Save money on gardening this year. Here a list to do to save money.
Save on potting soil by making a compost - Rake and gather all fallen leaves from fall, cut grass and gather clippings and green waste from the yard or lawn. Set them aside on a well ventilated area. Throw in kitchen scraps (scrap veggies, egg shell, coffee grounds but not meat by products) and mixed it well. If not so gross with you adding urine to the compost will boots the decomposition process and
Save on seeds-Get tomato seeds, pepper seed and other seeds before eating or cooking, wash it and place it to a clean tissue paper, let it air dry, keep it on a cool dry place until ready to plant. Or follow this video for a more advance way.
Make pots - save all large plastic containers from milk, orange juice and other food container. Wash it till it is clean them cut the top part so it will have a large opening and ready for planting.
Save on water-Plan ahead where to place the plants it should be close to a water supply, if you have plans to have a summer vacation it is wise to have an automatic watering system. Make a rain cath
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